Thursday 24 April 2014

Five important essentials that makes WordPress the best bogging platform

WordPress has started with a humble beginning. It has grown into the dominant CMS on the web. However, there are many different blogging platforms available that one can use. Joomla is mostly used as magazine based platform whereas Drupal has some devotees, but what WordPress delivers is just only a simple front end which is quite easy to use for novices.

Here you will come to know about four important reasons why WordPress is worth considering blogging platform.

Anyone is an author: If you would like to create a new user account that must have enough access and options for a writer than WP is the best option for creating a blog page. With WP, it is quite easy to create an editor role that easily fits the bill.

Excellent themes: There are both premium and free themes available for any category which is needed. The designers for WordPress do not focus on one area so that you can find complete best in class design for any type of website that you wish to launch or renovate with a new theme.

Support: WordPress support is available through their forum, there are millions of users of WordPress,  the forum stays busy with many people in asking questions and others take the time in answering them. Beyond this, there are some excellent WP sites that provide tutorials on how to work in an excellent way with WP.

SEO friendly: WordPress has been designed to be search engine friendly. There are some of the excellent SEO plugins that gradually extend the functionality to bring all SEO related facilities in a single area and thus, it is the main reason why WP is considered to be the best blogging platform.

Huge extendibility: while there are some other blogging platforms are extendible, due to the wide acceptance of WP globally, there is always a flourishing market for both premium and free plugins and widgets that can easily be installed on WP.

There are some new features that add some incredible facilities like e-commerce, membership sites, shopping carts, landing page system and many more. These are some of the excellent and complex packages that can easily be added to Wordpress that run out of the box and remain error free with no programming.