Friday 14 March 2014

Take a glance at top three emerging technologies in 2014

The World Economic Forum, famous for its annual convention in Switzerland, has put a new report for identifying the top five technological trends in the year 2014. Technology is perhaps, the greatest agent of change in modern era. In the year 2014 and a whole new range of powerful technologies are creating visibilities into real time process, enabling agility and of course responsiveness like never before. So, here, you take a glance at the top three emerging technology in this year.

Screenless Display: Screen less Display technology promises some amazing way to view your documents. With this new technology, holographic image can now be generated in three dimensions with MIT’s Media Lab reporting they created an inexpensive prototype holographic video display with the resolution of standard TV. In respect of privacy and start ups and content securities which are ramping up the screenless displays for including projecting images directly into a person’s retina which increases security.

Body Adapted wearable Electronics: We probably heard about wearable technology like Fitbit wristbands and their siblings. These devices help people in understanding their health and fitness choices, this particular sector is gradually shifting beyond the clip on devices.

This wearable electronic is designed to adapt body’s shape where it is worn. These types of devices are tiny but packed with a wide range of sensor along with a complex feedback system. These are being designed not to be seen such as ear buds that will monitor your heart beat, a temporary tattoo that tracks your vital statistics and small sensors worn under clothing to track your pos

Nanowire Lithium-ion Batteries: This new generation batteries get charged quickly and produce 30 to 40% electricity than today’s lithium-ion batteries. These batteries help to transform the electric car market and allow the storage of solar electricity at household scale.

From wearable electronics to brain computer interfaces, these three web technology have emerged in the year 2014. The positive technological breakthrough promise innovative solution to the most pressing global challenges, from resource scarcity to global environmental change.
ture. It is an amazing device for those that are visually impaired.

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